Welcome to

Anderson Integrated
Health Center

“Where Families and Friends Come to Get and Stay Well”
What We Do

Functional Health

In addition to Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care, Drs. Micheal and Theresa Anderson also assist patients through nutrition and diagnostics to develop a holistic strategy for health.

Drs. Micheal and Theresa Anderson are both board-certified chiropractic internist with Diplomates in Diagnosis and Internal Disorders (DABCI). They utilize this specialty to offer natural solutions to combat today’s common health conditions.

Specific Chiropractic in Dallas

Specific Chiropractic is a safe, precise form of chiropractic which focuses on the health and function of the entire spine and body.

After experiencing its benefits, Drs. Anderson brought Specific Chiropractic (a.k.a. Upper Cervical Care) to Dallas .

With extensive post-graduate training in Brain Stem/Upper Cervical adjusting procedures, he earned a Knee Chest Upper Cervical Specific (K.C.U.C.S.) Master Certification.

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What We Offer

Healing for a better world.

  • Our Mission

    Our highest mission is to glorify the Lord by serving Him and those He loves. The sole purpose of Anderson Integrated Health Center is to restore, in every individual, proper body function to maintain a healthy body as God designed (Genesis 1:27).

  • Functional Health

    In addition to Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care, Drs. Micheal and Theresa Anderson also assist Dallas patients through nutrition and diagnostics to develop a holistic strategy for health. Drs. Micheal and Theresa Anderson are both board-certified chiropractic internists with Diplomates in Diagnosis and Internal Disorders (DABCI). They utilize this specialty to offer natural solutions to combat today’s common health conditions.

  • Contact Us Today

    Review a selection of our patient testimonials and contact us today to make an appointment. We look forward to welcoming you to our practice.

Patient Stories

Loved by our Patients

Hover/touch a testimonial to pause the rotation to read it.


To say that Dr. Mike Anderson has made a positive impact on my life and my health would be a tremendous understatement. His knowledge of health and healing has helped my family more than any doctor we have ever experienced. Dr. Mike has a level of both knowledge and expertise that will change your life. He truly is the best! We thank God for Dr. Mike Anderson and know that you will be blessed to know him too!

Brian H.

I have been coming for almost 9 years. This place is AMAZING, from the staff to Dr. Anderson. Before I started with Dr. Anderson my quality of life was horrible. I had migraines 4 to 5 days a week. I had tried many Chiropractors over several years and my headaches only got worse. I remember my first adjustment with Dr A. and after that I didn’t have a headache for 7 months. I am also currently enrolled in functional medicine and, wow, what a change in my life. In just 6 weeks I lost 24 lbs. and feel like I’m in my 20’s again. (I’m 50). If you want your quality of life back, I highly recommend Dr. Anderson and his staff!!!!

Paula P.

Dr. Anderson has helped me and my husband so much! Both of us had terrible neck issues and I also struggled with sciatica. We are both feeling so much better. His staff is wonderful too. I appreciate the way he takes the time to educate and empower you to heal. He is a wonderful doctor.

Holly D.

I came to Dr. Anderson after almost a year of unexplained dizzy spells and insomnia, after only a few months of seeing him for Chiropractic and Functional medicine I am sleeping without sleeping pills and my dizzy spells have decreased significantly. He is extremely thorough and always listens. He doesn’t rush you like most doctors. The office staff is always extremely accommodating and friendly. I would highly recommend this practice to anyone!!

Christopher S.

Dr. Anderson is very thorough and takes care of me. Since coming here, I’ve been shown different techniques to relieve my chronic back pain and improve my quality of life. Thank you so much!!!

Joesph S.

I have already felt so much better since the first visit. Thanks!

Diane V.

From the moment you walk through the door, you’re greeted by the welcoming aroma and friendly, caring person behind the desk. I always feel that my health and well-being is the most important thing to everyone that is involved, from sign in to actual visit with Dr. Anderson to setting my next visit when leaving. By keeping my appointments and following care and health instructions, I am seeing positive results in overall improvement to my health and less pain overall. I have over a 30 minute drive to the clinic but it is worth it. God bless Dr. Anderson and his entire staff and family.

Jill H.

I’d been having migraines for years, sometimes two or three a day, and none of the doctors I went to could tell me what was wrong. I bounced around from prescription to prescription and I was missing at least one day of work per week. My migraines have improved dramatically! I’m no longer missing work and I don’t have to deal with all those other doctors telling me, “I have no idea what’s wrong with you, but here, take this prescription anyway!”

Brooke T.

My daughter Lilly is three years old. We started coming to Anderson Integrated Health Center shortly after she was born. Lilly has never been on any antibiotics or had any vaccines. We have not been to a medical doctor for any sick visits since we started coming to Anderson Clinic.

Cindy S.

[Before receiving care] my heart functioned at only 10%. I had extreme pain in my lower back, especially around my monthly cycle. I was also constipated. My lower back pain is now gone. My heart is now functioning at 38%! Constipation is gone and no more monthly fatigue. My whole family is under their care!


I had high blood pressure, IBS, sinus issues, and headaches. Every time I ate anything, I would have a huge bulge sticking out of my left side and it was very uncomfortable! The arthritis was in my back and neck which caused pain. The first time I was adjusted, I ate lunch and the bulge in my left side was gone! I could eat without feeling uncomfortable. The neck and back pain went away. My sinuses have improved.


I had severe sinus trouble that would not relieve itself at all. The symptoms (headache, stuffiness and pain) persisted for many years. After I got my first adjustment at Anderson Integrated Health Center, all of my symptoms cleared up, and I have not suffered since.

Sarah B.

I had been having neck, shoulder and back pain for some time since I retired from my job as a flight attendant after ten years. In the fall of 2011, my pain and disability increased and I was told by my chiropractor that due to degeneration in my neck, I would probably require surgery. The adjustments I was getting from him were not helping and I was feeling hopeless. I came to Dr. Mike Anderson in November of 2011, he took x-rays and he was confident that my alignment could be corrected without surgery. I had two adjustments that would not stay in for more than a day or two. On December 10th, I returned with my neck out of adjustment and in chronic pain. The adjustment was painful and afterwards I felt very wobbly and scared. The most important addition to my success was rest. For the first week I did almost nothing. Then I added tasks, but still rested. There was a lot of pain from muscle spasms as my body went to war with itself. My head felt like a ball on a toothpick, but began to feel more secure as the days passed. A month later, I have some tingling in my fingers, but my neck feels good and I am pain free.

Mary Jane

Prior to Upper Cervical Care, I experienced severe allergies and was bothered by a sciatic nerve on the back of my knee. After Upper Cervical Care, the sciatic nerve pain is gone. When my allergies get bad, I know I need an adjustment. After I am aligned, my problems go away.


We began UCC over a year ago, and my headaches and migraines overall have improved. Two months ago, I was involved in a car accident. The accident caused pain and weakness in my left shoulder, my neck and my overall left side of my back. I had a limited turning radius, inability to lift my left arm, and random sharp pains throughout the day. Two days after the accident, I increased my visits to Dr. Anderson. I was seeing him every 1-2 weeks, but now I started coming from Marietta 2-3 times per week. Dr. Mike was the only doctor who took x-rays. The doctors in the emergency room after the accident, told me that I was “suffering from whiplash.” The gave me pain pills and sent me home. Since beginning UCC I only had about 3 adjustments over the year. But this accident shook my alignment seriously. I needed 4 adjustments in one month! After 6 weeks of constant care, I am now able to lift AND rotate my arm. I am still weak, but I just have to exercise my arm after weeks of immobility. My head no longer throbs, I can bend and bathe, even my back! It sounds like small accomplishments, but after not being able to do much (with an infant, and a toddler), even the little things are a huge accomplishment in my daily life.


I was in pain all the time and spent my time at home on the couch. I am a hairdresser and was so off balance/dizzy that I had to sit for 8 months to do my job. After coming under UCC, I am full of life again and spending time with my family. My job is wonderful—I am able to work 8 hour days instead of 3. Praise God for getting me here!! Thank you Dr. Mike for giving me my life back.

Kelsi L.

My daughter always had severe allergies, asthma and sinus problems. She was diagnosed with GERD and at age 6 was placed on an adult dose of medicine. She was frequently sick and missed a lot of school. My daughter is 13 years old now. She is no longer on any medicine. She does not suffer from allergies, asthma, or GERD. She has not been sick at all since we started undergoing upper cervical specific chiropractic. She has more energy and can enjoy being a healthy teenage girl.

Phil T.

I had pain in my neck and back for many years and the pain was always there. Also, I had pain in my right shoulder. I felt tired all the time and it was hard to concentrate at work. When I would get off of work, I would go home and sleep for hours. My health has improved in many ways. I am not in pain and I have a lot more energy. I feel like I am doing a better job at work and I feel like doing things around the house. One of the biggest items is that my blood pressure has reduced. I am off my cholesterol medicine completely and I am taking only half of my blood pressure medicine every 3 days. I went to my medical doctor for a check up and he agreed with dropping my blood pressure medicine. My life is more enjoyable now! Thank You. P.S. This was after only 3 weeks!!!

Tami B. (Age 50)

After being told there was nothing to be done, that all my problems were idiopathic, the doctors concluded that I was totally disabled and should be put in a nursing home with medication for pain. Instead, I weaned myself off the medication and came to see Dr. Anderson. I am able to walk again on my own and do things for myself more and more. Everyday I gain a little back. I have hope I will return to a normal life again. Bless Dr. Anderson!

Hannah R. (Age 15)

When I cam to Anderson Clinic, I had a constant pain between my shoulder blades and lower back. I play softball and some days I couldn’t even pick up a ball without extreme pain. Since I have been under Upper Cervical Care, there has been a huge change. I have no more pain in my back and when I do it is just soreness. My throws in softball have been so much more accurate and the pain in my shoulders has gone away. This has changed my life tremendously, I went from having tons of pain and coming off the field crying to no pain whatsoever. Upper Cervical Care is something I will be grateful for my whole life.

Vera C. (Age 72)

I had back trouble and very bad allergies. After two years of care, the back problem is very much improved and the allergies are non-existent, even in the high pollen count.


Dylan is my 5 year old son. He suffered from allergies and sinus problems. There was a lot of missed school and he was very irritable. Dylan is no longer sick all of the time. There were a couple times that he had double pneumonia and ran a high fever. I brought him to Dr. Mike. Dylan was out of adjustment, once he was adjusted, his fever broke and he continued to get better.


I have been going to a full spine chiropractor since I was a teen. I had low back pain, leg pain, headaches and hip problems. It was difficult to function on a daily basis. I was unable to sleep at night. My job requires bending, lifting, reaching, etc., and these things became impossible for me. I noticed improvements in two weeks. In four weeks, I felt like I did 10 years ago. I have so much energy. It is great! There have been many changes in other areas of my health, such as I sleep better. I don’t stay cold all the time and I have more energy.

Dee K.

Before Upper Cervical, I had constant pain down my right upper shoulder/neck – after my first adjustment, the pain stopped. I started coming to Dr. Mike Anderson about ten years ago. I found out about him through another Upper Cervical Doctor. In the last ten years, I have come a long way. I had severe pain in my neck from an auto accident. Before an adjustment, I would be deathly sick as the adjustment was working its way out. I would get adjusted and it would still take 3-5 days to recover. In the last several years that has changed. I don’t get sick before or after an adjustment. I recently signed up for the “Get At The Roots Weight Loss” class. At our second class, we discussed food sensitivities, how to test for them and how they can impact our health and the pain we still encounter each day. My test showed I had a sensitivity to dairy. So I eliminated all dairy from my diet. I figured I would try it for two weeks and see if there would be any difference. After one week of no dairy, I was at church and had to take some papers to the church office downstairs. Previously, I was unable to bend my right knee. I had my knee replaced in 2006 and I had not been able to bend it ever since. Taking stairs meant turning so I could go down the stairs with a straight leg. This Sunday, I started down the stairs and found myself bending my right knee – as if this was a normal occurrence. I now realize that my sensitivity to dairy had caused my body to be inflamed and stopped my knee from being able to bend. I also have osteoarthritis and degenerative bone disease. I am 64 years old and after a day of work, I would be forced to come home and just lay down the rest of the night. Since I have stopped taking in any dairy, the constant chronic pain that I have struggled with for 22 years is gone. I consider this a miracle.

Dr. Theresa Anderson DC, DABCI

An experienced doctor of chiropractic with a diplomate as a chiropractic internist, I offer natural solutions to chronic health conditions by implementing a strategic and individualized treatment plan for each patient. I’ve had the privilege of helping patients heal from chronic conditions to live a happier, healthier life.

Anatomy and Physiology teacher who is passionate about health and wellness and hopes to ignite that same respect and awe of the human body into her pupils.

I’m dedicated, loyal and always seeking to improve my science and craft, learn new discoveries in my field, and embrace new challenges.

  • 2023 Diplomate American Board Chiropractic Internist (DABCI)

  • 2018 Certified Medical Examiner (CME)

  • 2000 Doctor of Chiropractic (DC)

  • 1996 Bachelor of Liberal Arts, Elementary Education K-8
  • Adjunct Faculty: Anatomy & Physiology I lecture and lab (2023 – Present)
    Chattahoochee Technical College, North Metro Campus, Acworth, Ga

  • Teacher: Anatomy & Physiology On-level and Honors, High School Seniors (2017 – Present)
    Science Department Head (2023)
    Cornerstone Preparatory Academy, Acworth, Ga 30101

I enjoy any outdoor sports and activities such as hiking and

I’m also an animal lover who has a heart for stray animals.

Beginner with Norwegian language

Dr. Micheal Anderson DC, DABCI

Dr. Anderson is a licensed Doctor of Chiropractic, practicing in Dallas, GA. He has received extensive post-doctorate training in Specific Upper Cervical adjusting procedures and is certified through Knee Chest Upper Cervical Specific (K.C.U.C.S.).

After 10 years of competing in the sport of powerlifting at the state and national level, reaching Collegiate first team All-American status, and competing on the US National Team at the World Championships in the Czech Republic in 1997, I suffered severe back pain and was only 24 years old. I was told I had disc problems and would need to stop competing. I found a chiropractor in Baltimore, Maryland and began care with fantastic results. As my body healed, I continued my PL career, and decided I wanted to help others receive health naturally through chiropractic care.

I was able to continue my PL career, but still had occasional pain, as well as digestive issues, stomach pain, and skin problems. While in school, I came across an amazing chiropractic procedure called Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic. After experiencing this type of care, my health went to the next level, and my symptoms completely resolved over the next 3 years. By now I was 30 years old, extremely healthy, and looking to share my Upper Cervical chiropractic health knowledge with all.

Dr. Anderson did his undergraduate studies at Towson State University in Baltimore Maryland and graduated with a degree in Marketing and Sports Management. Then he graduated in 1995 from Logan College of Chiropractic in Chesterfield, Missouri. Dr. Anderson continued his education with postgraduate work in upper cervical care getting certified from Michael Kale in 1996. He earned master certification in KCUCS Upper Cervical procedure in 2001. Since then, he has been teaching doctors around the world KCUCS Upper Cervical procedure. Dr. Anderson also has DABCI functional health training and certification.

  • Clinical Vision Research: Kessinger Clinic, 1996.

  • Clinical Respiration Research: Kessinger Clinic, 1996

  • Incidence of Symptomatic Reactions to Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care and their Effects on Satisfaction and Clinical Outcomes: Participating Field Doctor March 2008

  • Improvement in Pattern Analysis, Heart Rate Variability & Symptoms Following Upper Cervical Chiropractic Care 2013

  • Pulse pressure findings following upper cervical care: a practice-based observational study 2019

The goal of Anderson Integrated Health Center’s upper cervical specific chiropractic care is to remove interference to the nervous system by making a correction that allows the body to heal itself. The procedure utilized by Anderson Integrated Health Center works with the body’s innate capacity to heal itself when the nervous system is free from interference. This procedure is gentle and effective for infants to the elderly. Computerized diagnostic instrumentation is utilized to determine if a person can be helped with this procedure. Helping patients who have suffered for years with no relief is very rewarding. But probably what Dr. Anderson enjoys the most is seeing young children recover from health problems that prevents them from having to suffer for a lifetime.

Dr. Anderson resides in metro Atlanta with his wife Theresa and two children, Jeremiah and Hope. He enjoys family time, his children’s sports, coaching his son’s basketball team, racquetball, and staying active in a challenging race like the Tough Mudder. Dr. Mike met his wife at chiropractic school in Chesterfield, Missouri and Dr. Theresa went on to become an upper cervical doctor herself. She paused her career to be a full-time home-school mother, and has returned to practice alongside her husband. Dr. Mike Anderson also has strong faith in his Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and enjoys being a long-time member at Westridge Church in Dallas, Georgia.

In addition to staying physically active, Dr. Anderson understands the importance of excellent nutrition to achieve great health. He and his family have achieved a healthy lifestyle without the use of pharmaceuticals, including vaccines, and he has been drug-free since 1993. He thanks God for the health his family enjoys, knowing that God gave us natural ways to live a healthy life!